Colorado: Century Casino to develop workforce housing in Cripple Creek

Colorado: Century Casino to develop workforce housing in Cripple Creek

Article brief provided by The Mountain Jackpot News
  • Rick Langenberg, The Mountain Jackpot News
September 8, 2021 11:01 PM
  • Rick Langenberg, The Mountain Jackpot News

The city of Cripple Creek has apparently hit pay dirt with a new pro-development incentives program, aimed at securing more affordable housing units—at least on paper.

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In fact, the program is experiencing so much preliminary success that the city has scheduled a special meeting later this week to iron out the specific details and to keep pace with an unprecedented number of early requests. Also, the town’s historic preservation commission will decide on a certificate of appropriateness designation for a proposed 12-unit, three-building workforce housing development located in the historic district, submitted by representatives of Century casino in partnership with John Vasilakis. Vasilakis of Colorado Springs is spearheading a number of housing units throughout the community.