Gambling Responsibility – What Does It Mean In Asia?

August 1, 2018 12:00 AM
August 1, 2018 12:00 AM

如何在亚洲实践「负责任博彩」? – 点击这里阅读中文/Read in Chinese

When it comes to responsible gambling, responsibility can be separated into 2 core areas:

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  1. Responsibility of the individual person

  2. Responsibility of the gambling organisation

In Asia, the issue of problem gambling has been around for years. It is one that constantly surrounds the industry. Both online and offline gambling providers have a duty to tackle problem gambling issues, such as addiction or compulsiveness.

Unfortunately, however, there are still too many companies that view profit over people.

There are many cultural factors that play a part in why Asians gamble: fortune, fate and a strong belief in luck among them. Research has shown that Asians not only gamble more, as a whole, than citizens of other nations, such as the United States or the United Kingdom, but also have a larger number of those who are sufferers of problem gambling.

So why are there more gambling problems amongst Asians?

When we look at research into cultural differences between Asians, we can see that their attitudes to gambling tend to be different.

Asians have a larger history and culture when it comes to gambling, and many Asians put more emphasis on it being a social activity than other societies do.

An underlying issue is that the boundaries between activities that are classed as casual fun or as gambling are blurred.

For example, many Asians play Mah-jong, a game that can be both a social activity and a way to wager money.

Mah-jong is often learnt from a young age. The game is embedded within Asian culture.

It is also common in Asian society for friends and family to visit each other’s houses and play card games.

Again, this can be just for fun, but it is often something Asians experience at a young age. It can thus be viewed as an introduction to gambling as a youngster. Moreover, card games and games such as Mah-jong are competitive by nature and can lead one to wager money in the future as people grow.

As early as young teenagers, Asians are introduced to these games on a regular basis, which can increase the motivation to start gambling as early as age 18.

Furthermore, Asians tend to be more superstitious in life in general. More emphasis in everyday life is placed on omens and lucky or unlucky numbers compared to Western societies such as the US and UK. The result of this is that the psychological influence of losing and winning carries much more weight and tends to be a much larger reflection on the person as a whole.

In addition, superstitious behaviours can be deeply rooted within a particular family, spanning hundreds of years back to the family’s ancestors. An Asian individual may believe they are inherently or biologically luckier than others.

Additionally, Asian immigrants can often be made to feel more welcome within a community by attending gambling establishments.

Another big factor in problem gambling in Asians is the emphasis placed on money. People are judged by how much money they do or do not have, which shapes the way Asians think, live, and do business.

Governments have stepped in to ensure there are laws and protections in place to help Asians. For example, in China, gambling, other than state-run lotteries, is officially banned.

Hong Kong and Macau do provide an avenue to casino gambling, however, which causes some issues, although Macau law does allow an individual, or family member, to submit a request to stop a person gambling. An individual can contact the Coordination Bureau or Gaming Inspection and request that a person be excluded from gambling establishments.

In Singapore, the government discourages locals from excessively visiting casinos by asking those that visit more than five times a month to provide evidence that they are not in financial distress or face restrictions, apart from charging them excessive Casino Entry Levy.

Organisations are trying to raise awareness in parts of Asia about mental health, since gambling addiction is of course a mental health issue, rather than a moral issue.

Therefore, shaping society and changing the way people think about gambling is important, both in helping to tackle addictions and in ensuring individuals take responsibility for their actions in a way they are able to tolerate.

KL is a senior executive of a reputable international consulting firm, focusing on regulatory compliance in the financial sector and gaming industry with experiences gained from various leading consulting firms. He can be reached at

Chinese version


  1. 个人责任

  2. 赌博组织的责任






























KL 是一家全球领先的国际咨询公司的高级行政人员, 专注于金融行业和博彩业的监管合规, 并拥有来自多家大型咨询公司的经验。 在亚太地区的监管机构的参与下, KL先生领导并大量参与了许多监管合规审查项目。 同时,KL先生也一直在亚太新兴博彩业地区积极协助业内相关政府机构和成员。可以通过 与他联系。

Nic W.为一资深注册社工,具多年家庭及青少年工作经验。因为长期接触不同背景的家庭及青少年,Nic W.期望能为亚洲博彩业提供独到的分析。Nic W.现在于欧洲研究院攻读表达艺术治疗的硕士课程。可以通过 与他联系。