Oviedo gambling halls face more inspections

March 16, 2018 1:57 AM
  • CDC Gaming Reports
March 16, 2018 1:57 AM
  • CDC Gaming Reports

In Oviedo, Spain, it is a matter of no small concern that minors are known to access gambling premises with false documentation. To avoid this, the National Police will be redoubling inspections, especially in those establishments where minors have been seen trying to gain access. These include five thousand bars which have slot machines within reach of minors.

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The new inspection plan’s protocol details exactly what to do with children caught playing the machines or trying to do so.

Casinos, bingo halls and betting shops already have a control in place to detect the presence of minors, based on requesting users’ DNI (national identity document). Those responsible for the premises are supposed to ask for documentation if there are doubts about a player’s age.

However, Máximo Gutiérrez, president of Larpa, an association for gambling addicts, said that approximately 90% of underage gamblers use fake ID documents. He is, therefore, demanding more strict security measures.

Full article: La Nueva Espana (Spanish)