Sports betting and gambling advertising bans in America? Not bloody likely.

Sports betting and gambling advertising bans in America? Not bloody likely.

Article brief provided by Sports Handle
  • Jeff Edelstein, Sports Handle
April 20, 2021 12:15 AM
  • Jeff Edelstein, Sports Handle

Last week, the UNLV International Gaming Institute issued a report titled The Marketing Moment: Sports, Wagering and Advertising in the United States, and it advocated for sports betting firms to get a grip on how they advertise their product before the government steps in and tells them how to do so.

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And before you say “it can’t happen here,” know that it’s happened there: In Italy, all gambling advertisements have been banned since 2019. In England, there is no sports betting advertising allowed during games. And as this is being typed, the incumbent mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said he will ban gambling advertising in London’s subway system should he be re-elected May 6.